AAUW offering $1,000.00 scholarship to non-traditional female student


cap and gownThe  Houston-Peach Branch of the Amerian Association of University Women is offering a $1,000 scholarship to a qualified woman between the ages of 35 and 61 living in Houston or Peach County and in her junior or senior year at Fort Valley State University or Middle Georgia State University.

For more information and to secure an application, visit the link listed below.

AAUW.Scholarship Application.2016


November AAUW meeting features Vivian Childs

vivian childs

The November 10 program for the Houston-Peach AAUW will feature Vivian L. Childs speaking on her book “SPLINTERED: Brokenness in the Political Arena.”
A Georgia native long involved in military, community, political and religious activities, she will share experiences and thoughts of everyday people who want to make America better. Networking & Refreshments begin at 6:30 PM; Program 7 PM. Location: Trinity United Methodist Church, 129 S. Houston Road, Warner Robins, 31088. Guests Welcome. For further information: 953-0201.

AAUW offering scholarship to nontraditional female student

cap and gown

The  Houston-Peach Branch of the Amerian Association of University Women is offering a $1,000 scholarship to a qualified woman between the ages of 35 and 61 living in Houston or Peach County and in her junior or senior year at Fort Valley State University or Middle Georgia State University.

For more information and to secure an application, visit the link listed below.

AAUW.Scholarship Application.2016


AAUW-sponsored Political Forum

politics The Houston-Peach Branch of AAUW has invited those running for Posts 2, 4 and 6 to participate in a Forum Tuesday evening, October 6, to be held in the Warner Robins Council Chambers, City Hall.  From 6:30-8:30 candidates will have an opportunity to present brief statements and then answer questions submitted by those in attendance. The community is invited to participate.  To submit questions and receive further information, contact Wilhemenia Sibley at 478-953-3223.

AAUW book sale October 22-24

Who?  American Association of University Women
What?  AAUW annual book sale
When?  October 22-24
Where?  The Galleria Mall in Centerville
Why?      To raise funds to finance all of the great things the organization does in the community.
How?  By gathering books in the blue barrels positioned at the Mall and at Happy Hour; by collecting books from donors; by pricing and sorting the books….
barrell galleria mall