Strong, Young Backs Help with Moving Books!

While the 2014 Used Book Sale will be help at the Galleria Mall (October 23 – 25), sorting and pricing is continuing at the Old Houston Mall, and on August 23, the first day of moving books was held. Eight branch members were on hand, but much of the heavy work was done by the young, strong backs of members of the Junior ROTC from Northside High School. With their help, the move of several hundred boxes of books, took only a little over an hour!  Thank you Northside!!

Northside ROTC helped to move several hundred boxes

Northside Highschool Junior ROTC volunteers included:  L to R Ellie Vogh, Maj. Dennis Jolissaint, Keyshawn Green, Edward Henning, Bill Pletcher, and Steve Landreth.


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