The national convention will be June 26-28, and the hot topic of discussion will be the proposals for major changes in the association bylaws. There is sure to be plenty of up-to-date information about the proceedings on the AAUW web site,
You might also want to check the AAUW blog at and discussions on the AAUW’s Facebook site, or the separate Facebook group for the convention. There is another group on Facebook to discuss the proposed elimination of the degree requirement for AAUW membership. You do need to have a Facebook account to see the postings.
If you like fast short bits of information, sign up for a free Twitter account. Members will be “tweeting” using #AAUW09. Do a Twitter search for #AAUW09 and you will get all the posts from the convention. If you don’t understand what Twitter is all about try this video Twitter in Plain English.