Dr. Karen Glendenning, AAUW branch member and professor of psychology at Fort Valley State University, gave an informative talk about the brain and her experience as the first female professor at Florida State University. She had actual brains to demonstrate the various parts of the human brain. There was a lively discussion and questions.
Members gave Stephanie Hays a send off with a cake and best wishes for your move to San Antonio at the end of the month. Stephanie will continue to do the email newsletter long distance.
Evelyn Merk distributed the 2010-2011 Yearbook to members. Members not present will get them in the mail.
Ann MacKay, reporting on Public Policy suggested these websites to get information to make decisions about the qualifications of candidates especially the judge positions.
- http://www.thevoterguide.org/v/ajc10/ (The Atlanta Journal Constitution and the League of Women Voters)
- http://sos.ga.gov/mvp/ (The Secretary of State Election Guide for My Voter Page)
- http://www.houstoncountyga.com/residents/board-of-elections/ (Houston County Board of Elections with links to a sample ballot and summary of amendments.)
- How to Decide on Judges is the first of a three column series on principles to consider in the judges elections written by a local attorney, Jim Rockefeller.