Back: Mary Scarborough, Ann MacKay, Jane Winston, Evelyn Merk, Carrie Smith, Front: Laurie Shaw, Marlene Humphry, Rosella Cooper, Stephanie Hays.
President Marlene Humphry hosted board members at the annual pool party and meeting August 28. Plans are reviewed for the year along with good food and an opportunity to get in the pool.
Jane Winston was elected to the V.P. Program position which became vacant when Marlene became president.
Sharon Dawson with backup by Carolyn Schomer were appointed to the Recording Secretary position vacated by Wilhemenia Sibley who now is working Tuesday evenings.
Although the branch has adopted bylaws to change the name to Houston-Peach Branch, the change must be approved by the AAUW Georgia board which meets October 16. The national must also give approval.
Reading is Fundamental distributions are set for October, March and January. The books have been ordered. The dates will be finalized soon.